



Class to convert mutwo events to a Csound score file.


Generate audio files with Csound.

class EventToCsoundScore(**pfield)[source]§

Class to convert mutwo events to a Csound score file.


pfield (Callable[[SimpleEvent], Union[float, Fraction, int, str]]) – p-field / p-field-extraction-function pairs.

This class helps generating score files for the “domain-specific computer programming language for audio programming” Csound.

EventToCsoundScore extracts data from mutwo Events and assign it to specific p-fields. The mapping of Event attributes to p-field values has to be defined by the user via keyword arguments during class initialization.

By default, mutwo already maps the following p-fields to the following values:

  • p1 (instrument name) to 1

  • p2 (start time) to the absolute start time of the event

  • p3 (duration) to the duration attribute of the event

If p2 shall be assigned to the absolute entry delay of the event, it has to be set to None.

The EventToCsoundScore ignores any p-field that returns any unsupported p-field type (anything else than a string or a number). If the returned type is a string, EventToCsoundScore automatically adds quotations marks around the string in the score file.

All p-fields can be overwritten in the following manner:

>>> from mutwo import csound_converters
>>> my_converter = csound_converters.EventToCsoundScore(
>>>     p1=lambda event: 2,
>>>     p4=lambda event: event.pitch.frequency,
>>>     p5=lambda event: event.volume
>>> )

For easier debugging of faulty score files, mutwo adds annotations when a new SequentialEvent or a new SimultaneousEvent starts.

Public Methods:


convert(event_to_convert, path)

Render csound score file (.sco) from the passed event.

Inherited from Converter

convert(event_to_convert, path)

Render csound score file (.sco) from the passed event.

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

Private Data Attributes:



Inherited from EventConverter


Inherited from Converter


Inherited from ABC


convert(event_to_convert, path)[source]§

Render csound score file (.sco) from the passed event.

  • event_to_convert ( – The event that shall be rendered to a csound score file.

  • path (str) – where to write the csound score file

Return type:


>>> import random
>>> from mutwo import core_events
>>> from mutwo import csound_converters
>>> from mutwo import music_parameters
>>> converter = csound_converters.EventToCsoundScore(
>>>    p4=lambda event: event.pitch.frequency
>>> )
>>> events = core_events.SequentialEvent(
>>>    [
>>>        core_events.SimpleEvent(random.uniform(0.3, 1.2)) for _ in range(15)
>>>    ]
>>> )
>>> for event in events:
>>>     event.pitch = music_parameters.DirectPitch(random.uniform(100, 500))
>>> converter.convert(events, 'score.sco')
class EventToSoundFile(csound_orchestra_path, event_to_csound_score, *flag, remove_score_file=False)[source]§

Generate audio files with Csound.

  • csound_orchestra_path (str) – Path to the csound orchestra (.orc) file.

  • event_to_csound_score (EventToCsoundScore) – The EventToCsoundScore that shall be used to render the csound score file (.sco) from a mutwo event.

  • *flag (str) –

    Flag that shall be added when calling csound. Several of the supported csound flags can be found in mutwo.csound_converters.constants.

  • remove_score_file (bool) – Set to True if EventToSoundFile shall remove the csound score file after rendering. Defaults to False.

Disclaimer: Before using the EventToSoundFile, make sure Csound has been correctly installed on your system.

Public Methods:

__init__(csound_orchestra_path, ...[, ...])

convert(event_to_convert, path[, score_path])

Render sound file from the mutwo event.

Inherited from Converter

convert(event_to_convert, path[, score_path])

Render sound file from the mutwo event.

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

Private Data Attributes:


Inherited from Converter


Inherited from ABC


convert(event_to_convert, path, score_path=None)[source]§

Render sound file from the mutwo event.

  • event_to_convert ( – The event that shall be rendered.

  • path (str) – where to write the sound file

  • score_path (Optional[str]) – where to write the score file

Return type:



Configure the behaviour of mutwo.csound_converters.


How many empty lines shall be written to a Csound Score file after a ComplexEvent.


Annotation in Csound Score files when a new SequentialEvent starts.


Annotation in Csound Score files when a new SimultaneousEvent starts.


Constants to be used for and with mutwo.csound_converters.

The file mostly contains different flags for running Csound. The flag definitions are documented here.

FORMAT_24BIT = '--format=24bit'§

Flag for rendering sound files in 24bit.

FORMAT_64BIT = '--format=double'§

Flag for rendering sound files in 64bit floating point.

FORMAT_8BIT = '--format=uchar'§

Flag for rendering sound files in 8bit.

FORMAT_FLOAT = '--format=float'§

Flag for rendering sound files in single-format float audio samples.

FORMAT_IRCAM = '--format=ircam'§

Flag for rendering sound files in IRCAM format.

FORMAT_WAV = '--format=wav'§

Flag for rendering sound files in wav file format.

SILENT_FLAG = '-O null'§

Flag for preventing Csound from printing any information while rendering.