Source code for mutwo.csound_converters.csound

"""Render sound files from mutwo data via Csound.

Csound is a `"domain-specific computer programming language
for audio programming" <>`_.

import numbers
import os
import typing
import warnings

import natsort  # type: ignore

from mutwo import core_converters
from mutwo import core_events
from mutwo import core_constants
from mutwo import core_parameters
from mutwo import csound_converters

__all__ = ("EventToCsoundScore", "EventToSoundFile")

SupportedPFieldTypes = typing.Union[core_constants.Real, str]
SupportedPFieldTypesForTypeChecker = typing.Union[numbers.Real, str]
PFieldFunction = typing.Callable[[core_events.SimpleEvent], SupportedPFieldTypes]
PFieldDict = dict[str, typing.Optional[PFieldFunction]]

class MissingPFieldWarning(Warning):

class InvalidPFieldValueTypeWarning(Warning):

[docs]class EventToCsoundScore( """Class to convert mutwo events to a Csound score file. :param pfield: p-field / p-field-extraction-function pairs. This class helps generating score files for the `"domain-specific computer programming language for audio programming" Csound <>`_. :class:`EventToCsoundScore` extracts data from mutwo Events and assign it to specific p-fields. The mapping of Event attributes to p-field values has to be defined by the user via keyword arguments during class initialization. By default, mutwo already maps the following p-fields to the following values: - p1 (instrument name) to 1 - p2 (start time) to the absolute start time of the event - p3 (duration) to the :attr:`duration` attribute of the event If p2 shall be assigned to the absolute entry delay of the event, it has to be set to None. The :class:`EventToCsoundScore` ignores any p-field that returns any unsupported p-field type (anything else than a string or a number). If the returned type is a string, :class:`EventToCsoundScore` automatically adds quotations marks around the string in the score file. All p-fields can be overwritten in the following manner: >>> from mutwo import csound_converters >>> my_converter = csound_converters.EventToCsoundScore( >>> p1=lambda event: 2, >>> p4=lambda event: event.pitch.frequency, >>> p5=lambda event: event.volume >>> ) For easier debugging of faulty score files, :mod:`mutwo` adds annotations when a new :class:`SequentialEvent` or a new :class:`SimultaneousEvent` starts. """ _default_p_field_dict: PFieldDict = { "p1": lambda event: 1, # default instrument name "1" "p2": None, # default to absolute start time "p3": lambda event: event.duration.duration_in_floats # type: ignore if event.duration > 0 else None, # default key for duration } def __init__(self, **pfield: PFieldFunction): concatenated_p_field_dict: PFieldDict = dict([]) for ( default_p_field, default_p_field_function, ) in self._default_p_field_dict.items(): if default_p_field not in pfield: concatenated_p_field_dict.update( {default_p_field: default_p_field_function} ) concatenated_p_field_dict.update(pfield) self.pfield_tuple = self._generate_pfield_mapping(concatenated_p_field_dict) # ###################################################################### # # static methods # # ###################################################################### # @staticmethod def _generate_pfield_mapping( pfield_key_to_function_mapping: PFieldDict, ) -> tuple[typing.Optional[PFieldFunction], ...]: """Maps p-fields to their respective p_field_function.""" sorted_pfield_keys = natsort.natsorted(pfield_key_to_function_mapping.keys()) pfield_list = [] for key0, key1 in zip(sorted_pfield_keys, sorted_pfield_keys[1:]): number0, number1 = (int(pfield_name[1:]) for pfield_name in (key0, key1)) try: assert number0 >= 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Can't assign p-field '{key0}'. " "P-field number has to bigger than 0." ) pfield_list.append(pfield_key_to_function_mapping[key0]) difference = number1 - number0 if difference > 1: for _ in range(difference - 1): pfield_list.append(lambda _: 0) warnings.warn( "Couldn't find any mapping for p-fields " f"between '{key0}' and '{key1}'. " "Assigned these p-fields to 0.", MissingPFieldWarning, ) pfield_list.append(pfield_key_to_function_mapping[key1]) return tuple(pfield_list) @staticmethod def _process_p_field_value( nth_p_field: int, p_field_value: typing.Any ) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Makes sure pfield value is of correct type & adds quotation marks for str.""" if isinstance(p_field_value, SupportedPFieldTypesForTypeChecker.__args__): # type: ignore # silently adding quotation marks if isinstance(p_field_value, str): p_field_value = '"{}"'.format(p_field_value) else: p_field_value = "{}".format(p_field_value) return p_field_value else: ignored_p_field = nth_p_field + 1 warnings.warn( f"Can't assign returned value '{p_field_value}' of type " f"'{type(p_field_value)}' to p-field {ignored_p_field}. " " Supported types for p-fields include " f"'{repr(SupportedPFieldTypes)}'. " "Ignored p-field {ignored_p_field}.", InvalidPFieldValueTypeWarning, ) return None # ###################################################################### # # private methods (conversion of different event types) # # ###################################################################### # def _convert_simple_event( self, simple_event: core_events.SimpleEvent, absolute_entry_delay:, ) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Extract p-field data from simple event and write one Csound-Score line.""" csound_score_line = "i" for nth_p_field, p_field_function in enumerate(self.pfield_tuple): # special case of absolute start time initialization if nth_p_field == 1 and p_field_function is None: csound_score_line += " {}".format(absolute_entry_delay.duration_in_floats) else: try: p_field_value = p_field_function(simple_event) # type: ignore except AttributeError: # if attribute couldn't be found, just make a rest return tuple([]) p_field_value = EventToCsoundScore._process_p_field_value( nth_p_field, p_field_value ) if p_field_value is not None: csound_score_line += " {}".format(p_field_value) return (csound_score_line,) def _convert_sequential_event( self, sequential_event: core_events.SequentialEvent, absolute_entry_delay:, ) -> tuple[str, ...]: csound_score_line_list = [ csound_converters.configurations.SEQUENTIAL_EVENT_ANNOTATION ] csound_score_line_list.extend( super()._convert_sequential_event(sequential_event, absolute_entry_delay) ) for _ in range( csound_converters.configurations.N_EMPTY_LINES_AFTER_COMPLEX_EVENT ): csound_score_line_list.append("") return tuple(csound_score_line_list) def _convert_simultaneous_event( self, simultaneous_event: core_events.SimultaneousEvent, absolute_entry_delay:, ) -> tuple[str, ...]: csound_score_line_list = [ csound_converters.configurations.SIMULTANEOUS_EVENT_ANNOTATION ] csound_score_line_list.extend( super()._convert_simultaneous_event( simultaneous_event, absolute_entry_delay ) ) for _ in range( csound_converters.configurations.N_EMPTY_LINES_AFTER_COMPLEX_EVENT ): csound_score_line_list.append("") return tuple(csound_score_line_list) # ###################################################################### # # public api # # ###################################################################### #
[docs] def convert(self, event_to_convert:, path: str) -> None: """Render csound score file (.sco) from the passed event. :param event_to_convert: The event that shall be rendered to a csound score file. :type event_to_convert: :param path: where to write the csound score file :type path: str >>> import random >>> from mutwo import core_events >>> from mutwo import csound_converters >>> from mutwo import music_parameters >>> converter = csound_converters.EventToCsoundScore( >>> p4=lambda event: event.pitch.frequency >>> ) >>> events = core_events.SequentialEvent( >>> [ >>> core_events.SimpleEvent(random.uniform(0.3, 1.2)) for _ in range(15) >>> ] >>> ) >>> for event in events: >>> event.pitch = music_parameters.DirectPitch(random.uniform(100, 500)) >>> converter.convert(events, 'score.sco') """ csound_score_line_tuple = self._convert_event( event_to_convert, core_parameters.DirectDuration(0) ) # convert events to strings (where each string represents one csound score line) # write csound score lines to file with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(csound_score_line_tuple))
[docs]class EventToSoundFile( """Generate audio files with `Csound <>`_. :param csound_orchestra_path: Path to the csound orchestra (.orc) file. :param event_to_csound_score: The :class:`EventToCsoundScore` that shall be used to render the csound score file (.sco) from a mutwo event. :param *flag: Flag that shall be added when calling csound. Several of the supported csound flags can be found in :mod:`mutwo.csound_converters.constants`. :param remove_score_file: Set to True if :class:`EventToSoundFile` shall remove the csound score file after rendering. Defaults to False. **Disclaimer:** Before using the :class:`EventToSoundFile`, make sure `Csound <>`_ has been correctly installed on your system. """ def __init__( self, csound_orchestra_path: str, event_to_csound_score: EventToCsoundScore, *flag: str, remove_score_file: bool = False, ): self.flags = flag self.csound_orchestra_path = csound_orchestra_path self.event_to_csound_score = event_to_csound_score self.remove_score_file = remove_score_file
[docs] def convert( self, event_to_convert:, path: str, score_path: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Render sound file from the mutwo event. :param event_to_convert: The event that shall be rendered. :type event_to_convert: :param path: where to write the sound file :type path: str :param score_path: where to write the score file :type score_path: typing.Optional[str] """ if not score_path: score_path = path + ".sco" self.event_to_csound_score.convert(event_to_convert, score_path) command = "csound -o {}".format(path) for flag in self.flags: command += " {} ".format(flag) command += " {} {}".format(self.csound_orchestra_path, score_path) os.system(command) if self.remove_score_file: os.remove(score_path)