
Definition of global variables which are used all over mutwo.


Type variable to arguments and return values for duration. This can be any real number (float, integer, fraction).

alias of Union[float, Fraction, int]

ParameterType = typing.Any§

Type variable to assign to arguments and return values which expect objects from the mutwo.core.parameters module, but could actually be anything.


The main reason for this constant is a mypy issue with Pythons buildin [numbers module]( which is documented [here]( Mypy doesn’t accept numbers abstract base classes. Until numbers will be supported users have to define their own typing data for general number classes. PEP 3141 recommends users to simply annotate arguments with ‘float’, but this wouldn’t include fractions.Fraction which is often necessary in musical contexts (as github user arseniiv also remarked).

alias of Union[float, Fraction, int]