Source code for mutwo.music_parameters.pitches.JustIntonationPitch

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import copy
import functools
import math
import operator
import typing
import warnings

from sympy import primepi
from sympy import prime
from sympy import primerange
from sympy.ntheory import factorint

    import quicktions as fractions  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    import fractions  # type: ignore

from mutwo import core_constants
from mutwo import core_utilities
from mutwo import music_parameters

__all__ = ("JustIntonationPitch",)

ConcertPitch = typing.Union[core_constants.Real,]
PitchClassOrPitchClassName = typing.Union[core_constants.Real, str]

[docs]class JustIntonationPitch(, ): """Pitch that is defined by a frequency ratio and a reference pitch. :param ratio_or_exponent_tuple: The frequency ratio of the ``JustIntonationPitch``. This can either be a string that indicates the frequency ratio (for instance: "1/1", "3/2", "9/2", etc.), or a ``fractions.Fraction`` object that indicates the frequency ratio (for instance: ``fractions.Fraction(3, 2)``, ``fractions.Fraction(7, 4)``) or an Iterable that is filled with integer that represents the exponent_tuple of the respective prime numbers of the decomposed frequency ratio. The prime numbers are rising and start with 2. Therefore the tuple ``(2, 0, -1)`` would return the frequency ratio ``4/5`` because ``(2 ** 2) * (3 ** 0) * (5 ** -1) = 4/5``. :param concert_pitch: The reference pitch of the tuning system (the pitch for a frequency ratio of 1/1). Can either be another ``Pitch`` object or any number to indicate a particular frequency in Hertz. The resulting frequency is calculated by multiplying the frequency ratio with the respective reference pitch. **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> # 3 different variations of initialising the same pitch >>> pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2') >>> import fractions >>> pitches.JustIntonationPitch(fractions.Fraction(3, 2)) >>> pitches.JustIntonationPitch((-1, 1)) >>> # using a different concert pitch >>> pitches.JustIntonationPitch('7/5', concert_pitch=432) """ def __init__( self, ratio_or_exponent_tuple: typing.Union[ str, fractions.Fraction, typing.Iterable[int] ] = "1/1", concert_pitch: ConcertPitch = None, *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if concert_pitch is None: concert_pitch = music_parameters.configurations.DEFAULT_CONCERT_PITCH self.exponent_tuple = self._ratio_or_fractions_argument_to_exponent_tuple( ratio_or_exponent_tuple ) self.concert_pitch = concert_pitch # type: ignore # ###################################################################### # # static private methods # # ###################################################################### # @staticmethod def _adjust_exponent_lengths( exponent_tuple0: tuple, exponent_tuple1: tuple ) -> tuple: r"""Adjust two exponent_tuple, e.g. make their length equal. The length of the longer JustIntonationPitch is the reference. Arguments: * exponent_tuple0: first exponent_tuple to adjust * exponent_tuple1: second exponent_tuple to adjust >>> v0 = (1, 0, -1) >>> v1 = (1,) >>> v0_adjusted, v1_adjusted = JustIntonationPitch._adjust_exponent_lengths(v0, v1) >>> v0_adjusted (1, 0, -1) >>> v1_adjusted (1, 0, 0) """ length0 = len(exponent_tuple0) length1 = len(exponent_tuple1) if length0 > length1: return exponent_tuple0, exponent_tuple1 + (0,) * (length0 - length1) else: return exponent_tuple0 + (0,) * (length1 - length0), exponent_tuple1 @staticmethod def _adjust_ratio(ratio: fractions.Fraction, border: int) -> fractions.Fraction: r"""Multiply or divide a fractions.Fraction - Object with the border, until it is equal or bigger than 1 and smaller than border. Arguments: * ratio: The Ratio, which shall be adjusted * border >>> ratio0 = fractions.Fraction(1, 3) >>> ratio1 = fractions.Fraction(8, 3) >>> border = 2 >>> JustIntonationPitch._adjust_ratio(ratio0, border) fractions.Fraction(4, 3) >>> JustIntonationPitch._adjust_ratio(ratio1, border) fractions.Fraction(4, 3) """ if border > 1: while ratio >= border: ratio /= border while ratio < 1: ratio *= border return ratio @staticmethod def _adjust_float(float_: float, border: int) -> float: r"""Multiply float with border, until it is <= 1 and > than border. Arguments: * float_: The float, which shall be adjusted * border >>> float0 = 0.5 >>> float1 = 2 >>> border = 2 >>> JustIntonationPitch._adjust_float(float0, border) 1 >>> JustIntonationPitch._adjust_float(float1, border) 1 """ if border > 1: while float_ > border: try: float_ /= border except OverflowError: float_ //= border while float_ < 1: float_ *= border return float_ @staticmethod def _adjust_exponent_tuple( exponent_tuple: tuple, primes: tuple, border: int ) -> tuple: r"""Adjust a exponent_tuple and its primes depending on the border. Arguments: * exponent_tuple: The exponent_tuple, which shall be adjusted * primes: Its corresponding primes * border >>> exponent_tuple0 = (1,) >>> primes0 = (3,) >>> border = 2 >>> JustIntonationPitch._adjust_exponent_tuple(exponent_tuple0, primes0, border) ((-1, 1), (2, 3)) """ # TODO(DOCSTRING) Make proper description what actually happens if exponent_tuple: if border > 1: multiplied = functools.reduce( operator.mul, (p ** e for p, e in zip(primes, exponent_tuple)) ) res = math.log(border / multiplied, border) if res < 0: res -= 1 res = int(res) primes = (border,) + primes exponent_tuple = (res,) + exponent_tuple return exponent_tuple, primes return (1,), (1,) @staticmethod def _discard_nulls(iterable: typing.Iterable[int]) -> tuple[int, ...]: r"""Discard all zeros after the last not 0 - element of an arbitary iterable. Return a tuple. Arguments: * iterable: the iterable, whose 0 - elements shall be discarded >>> tuple0 = (1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0) >>> ls = [1, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0] >>> JustIntonationPitch._discard_nulls(tuple0) (1, 0, 2, 3) >>> JustIntonationPitch._discard_nulls(ls) (1, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2) """ iterable = tuple(iterable) c = 0 for i in reversed(iterable): if i != 0: break c += 1 if c != 0: return iterable[:-c] return iterable @staticmethod def _exponent_tuple_to_pair(exponent_tuple: tuple, primes: tuple) -> tuple: r"""Transform a JustIntonationPitch to a (numerator, denominator) - pair. Arguments are: * JustIntonationPitch -> The exponent_tuple of prime numbers * primes -> the referring prime numbers >>> myJustIntonationPitch0 = (1, 0, -1) >>> myJustIntonationPitch1 = (0, 2, 0) >>> myVal0 = (2, 3, 5) >>> myVal1 = (3, 5, 7) >>> JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_pair(myJustIntonationPitch0, myVal0) (2, 5) >>> JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_pair(myJustIntonationPitch0, myVal1) (3, 7) >>> JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_pair(myJustIntonationPitch1, myVal1) (25, 1) """ numerator = 1 denominator = 1 for number, exponent in zip(primes, exponent_tuple): if exponent > 0: numerator *= pow(number, exponent) elif exponent < 0: denominator *= pow(number, -exponent) return numerator, denominator @staticmethod def _exponent_tuple_to_ratio( exponent_tuple: tuple, primes: tuple ) -> fractions.Fraction: r"""Transform a JustIntonationPitch to a fractions.Fraction - Object (if installed to a quicktions.fractions.Fraction - Object, otherwise to a fractions.fractions.Fraction - Object). Arguments are: * JustIntonationPitch -> The exponent_tuple of prime numbers * primes -> the referring prime numbers for the underlying ._exponent_tuple - Argument (see JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple). >>> myJustIntonationPitch0 = (1, 0, -1) >>> myPrimes= (2, 3, 5) >>> JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_ratio(myJustIntonationPitch0, myPrimes) 2/5 """ numerator, denominator = JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_pair( exponent_tuple, primes ) return JustIntonationPitch._adjust_ratio( fractions.Fraction(numerator, denominator), 1 ) @staticmethod def _exponent_tuple_to_float(exponent_tuple: tuple, primes: tuple) -> float: r"""Transform a JustIntonationPitch to a float. Arguments are: * JustIntonationPitch -> The exponent_tuple of prime numbers * primes -> the referring prime numbers for the underlying ._exponent_tuple - Argument (see JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple). * primes-shift -> how many prime numbers shall be skipped (see JustIntonationPitch.primes_shift) >>> myJustIntonationPitch0 = (1, 0, -1) >>> myJustIntonationPitch1 = (0, 2, 0) >>> myPrimes = (2, 3, 5) >>> JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_float(myJustIntonationPitch0, myPrimes) 0.4 """ numerator, denominator = JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_pair( exponent_tuple, primes ) try: return numerator / denominator except OverflowError: return numerator // denominator @staticmethod def _ratio_to_exponent_tuple(ratio: fractions.Fraction) -> tuple: r"""Transform a fractions.Fraction - Object to a vector of exponent_tuple. :param ratio: The fractions.Fraction, which shall be transformed **Example:** >>> try: >>> from quicktions import fractions.Fraction >>> except ImportError: >>> from fractions import fractions.Fraction >>> myRatio0 = fractions.Fraction(3, 2) >>> JustIntonationPitch._ratio_to_exponent_tuple(myRatio0) (-1, 1) """ factorised_numerator = factorint(ratio.numerator) factorised_denominator = factorint(ratio.denominator) try: biggest_prime = max(tuple(factorised_numerator.keys()) + tuple(factorised_denominator.keys())) except ValueError: biggest_prime = 2 exponent_tuple = [0] * primepi(biggest_prime) for prime, factor in factorised_numerator.items(): if prime > 1: exponent_tuple[primepi(prime) - 1] += factor for prime, factor in factorised_denominator.items(): if prime > 1: exponent_tuple[primepi(prime) - 1] -= factor return tuple(exponent_tuple) @staticmethod def _indigestibility(num: int) -> float: """Calculate _indigestibility of a number The implementation follows Clarence Barlows definition given in 'The Ratio Book' (1992). Arguments: * num -> integer, whose _indigestibility value shall be calculated **Example:** >>> JustIntonationPitch._indigestibility(1) 0 >>> JustIntonationPitch._indigestibility(2) 1 >>> JustIntonationPitch._indigestibility(3) 2.6666666666666665 """ decomposed = factorint(num, multiple=True) return JustIntonationPitch._indigestibility_of_factorised(decomposed) @staticmethod def _indigestibility_of_factorised(decomposed): decomposed = collections.Counter(decomposed) decomposed = zip(decomposed.values(), decomposed.keys()) summed = ((power * pow(prime - 1, 2)) / prime for power, prime in decomposed) return 2 * sum(summed) @staticmethod def _count_accidentals(accidentals: str) -> int: accidental_counter = collections.Counter({"f": 0, "s": 0}) accidental_counter.update(accidentals) for accidental in accidentals: if accidental not in ("f", "s"): warnings.warn( f"Found unknown accidental '{accidental}' which will be ignored", RuntimeWarning, ) return (1 * accidental_counter["s"]) - (1 * accidental_counter["f"]) @staticmethod def _get_accidentals(n_accidentals: int) -> str: if n_accidentals > 0: return "s" * n_accidentals else: return "f" * abs(n_accidentals) # ###################################################################### # # private methods # # ###################################################################### # def _ratio_or_fractions_argument_to_exponent_tuple( self, ratio_or_exponent_tuple: typing.Union[ str, fractions.Fraction, typing.Iterable[int] ], ) -> tuple[int, ...]: if isinstance(ratio_or_exponent_tuple, str): numerator, denominator = ratio_or_exponent_tuple.split("/") exponent_tuple = self._ratio_to_exponent_tuple( fractions.Fraction(int(numerator), int(denominator)) ) elif isinstance(ratio_or_exponent_tuple, typing.Iterable): exponent_tuple = tuple(ratio_or_exponent_tuple) elif hasattr(ratio_or_exponent_tuple, "numerator") and hasattr( ratio_or_exponent_tuple, "denominator" ): exponent_tuple = self._ratio_to_exponent_tuple( fractions.Fraction( ratio_or_exponent_tuple.numerator, ratio_or_exponent_tuple.denominator, ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown type '{type(ratio_or_exponent_tuple)}' of object " f"'{ratio_or_exponent_tuple}' for 'ratio_or_exponent_tuple' " "argument." ) return exponent_tuple @core_utilities.add_copy_option def _math( # type: ignore self, other: JustIntonationPitch, operation: typing.Callable ) -> JustIntonationPitch: exponent_tuple0, exponent_tuple1 = JustIntonationPitch._adjust_exponent_lengths( self.exponent_tuple, other.exponent_tuple ) self.exponent_tuple = tuple( operation(exponent0, exponent1) for exponent0, exponent1 in zip(exponent_tuple0, exponent_tuple1) ) # ###################################################################### # # magic methods # # ###################################################################### # def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: try: return self.exponent_tuple == other.exponent_tuple except AttributeError: return super().__eq__(other) def __float__(self) -> float: """Return the float of a JustIntonationPitch - object. These are the same: float(myJustIntonationPitch.ratio) == float(myJustIntonationPitch). Note the difference that the second version might be slightly more performant. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((-1, 1)) >>> float(just_intonation_pitch0) 1.5 >>> float(just_intonation_pitch0.ratio) 1.5 """ return self._exponent_tuple_to_float(self.exponent_tuple, self.prime_tuple) def __repr__(self) -> str: ratio = str(self.ratio) if len(ratio) == 1: ratio += "/1" return f"{type(self).__name__}('{ratio}')" def __abs__(self): if self.numerator > self.denominator: return copy.deepcopy(self) else: exponent_tuple = tuple(-v for v in iter(self.exponent_tuple)) return type(self)(exponent_tuple, self.concert_pitch) # ###################################################################### # # properties # # ###################################################################### # @property def exponent_tuple(self) -> tuple: return self._exponent_tuple @exponent_tuple.setter def exponent_tuple( self, exponent_tuple: typing.Iterable[int], ) -> None: self._exponent_tuple = self._discard_nulls(exponent_tuple) @property def prime_tuple(self) -> tuple: r"""Return ascending list of primes, until the highest contained Prime. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1, 2)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.exponent_tuple (2, 3, 5) >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch((0, -1, 0, 0, 1), 1) >>> just_intonation_pitch1.exponent_tuple (2, 3, 5, 7, 11) """ return tuple(primerange(prime(len(self.exponent_tuple) + 1))) @property def occupied_primes(self) -> tuple: """Return all occurring prime numbers of a JustIntonationPitch object.""" return tuple( prime for prime, exponent in zip(self.prime_tuple, self.exponent_tuple) if exponent != 0 ) @property def concert_pitch(self) -> return self._concert_pitch @concert_pitch.setter def concert_pitch(self, concert_pitch: ConcertPitch) -> None: if not isinstance(concert_pitch, concert_pitch = music_parameters.DirectPitch(concert_pitch) self._concert_pitch = concert_pitch @property def frequency(self) -> float: return float(self.ratio * self.concert_pitch.frequency) @property def ratio(self) -> fractions.Fraction: """Return the JustIntonationPitch transformed to a Ratio. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.ratio fractions.Fraction(5, 4) >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch("3/2") >>> just_intonation_pitch0.ratio fractions.Fraction(3, 2) """ return JustIntonationPitch._exponent_tuple_to_ratio( self.exponent_tuple, self.prime_tuple ) @property def numerator(self) -> int: """Return the numerator of a JustIntonationPitch - object. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, -1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.numerator 1 """ numerator = 1 for number, exponent in zip(self.prime_tuple, self.exponent_tuple): if exponent > 0: numerator *= pow(number, exponent) return numerator @property def denominator(self) -> int: """Return the denominator of :class:`JustIntonationPitch`. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.denominator 1 """ denominator = 1 for number, exponent in zip(self.prime_tuple, self.exponent_tuple): if exponent < 0: denominator *= pow(number, -exponent) return denominator @property def interval(self) -> float: return self.ratio_to_cents(self.ratio) @property def factorised(self) -> tuple: """Return factorised / decomposed version of itsef. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.factorised (2, 2, 5) >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch("7/6") >>> just_intonation_pitch1.factorised (2, 3, 7) """ exponent_tuple = self.exponent_tuple prime_tuple = self.prime_tuple exponent_tuple_adjusted, prime_tuple_adjusted = type( self )._adjust_exponent_tuple(exponent_tuple, prime_tuple, 1) decomposed = ( [prime] * abs(exponent) for prime, exponent in zip(prime_tuple_adjusted, exponent_tuple_adjusted) ) return tuple(functools.reduce(operator.add, decomposed)) @property def factorised_numerator_and_denominator(self) -> tuple: exponent_tuple = self.exponent_tuple prime_tuple = self.prime_tuple exponent_tuple_adjusted, prime_tuple_adjusted = type( self )._adjust_exponent_tuple(exponent_tuple, prime_tuple, 1) numerator_denominator: list[list[list[int]]] = [[[]], [[]]] for prime, exponent in zip(prime_tuple_adjusted, exponent_tuple_adjusted): if exponent > 0: index = 0 else: index = 1 numerator_denominator[index].append([prime] * abs(exponent)) return tuple( functools.reduce(operator.add, decomposed) for decomposed in numerator_denominator ) @property def octave(self) -> int: return int(self.interval // music_parameters.constants.OCTAVE_IN_CENTS) @property def helmholtz_ellis_just_intonation_notation_commas( self, ) -> music_parameters.CommaCompound: """Commas of JustIntonationPitch.""" prime_to_exponent_dict = { prime: exponent for prime, exponent in zip(self.prime_tuple, self.exponent_tuple) if exponent != 0 and prime not in (2, 3) } return music_parameters.CommaCompound( prime_to_exponent_dict, music_parameters.configurations.DEFAULT_PRIME_TO_COMMA_DICT, ) @property def closest_pythagorean_interval(self) -> JustIntonationPitch: if len(self.helmholtz_ellis_just_intonation_notation_commas) > 0: closest_pythagorean_interval = self - type(self)( functools.reduce( operator.mul, self.helmholtz_ellis_just_intonation_notation_commas ) ) closest_pythagorean_interval.normalize() else: closest_pythagorean_interval = self.normalize(mutate=False) # type: ignore return closest_pythagorean_interval @property def cent_deviation_from_closest_western_pitch_class(self) -> float: deviation_by_helmholtz_ellis_just_intonation_notation_commas = ( JustIntonationPitch( self.helmholtz_ellis_just_intonation_notation_commas.ratio ).interval ) closest_pythagorean_interval = self.closest_pythagorean_interval if len(closest_pythagorean_interval.exponent_tuple) >= 2: pythagorean_deviation = self.closest_pythagorean_interval.exponent_tuple[ 1 ] * (JustIntonationPitch("3/2").interval - 700) else: pythagorean_deviation = 0 return ( deviation_by_helmholtz_ellis_just_intonation_notation_commas + pythagorean_deviation ) @property def blueprint( # type: ignore self, ignore: typing.Sequence[int] = (2,) ) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...], ...]: blueprint = [] for factorised in self.factorised_numerator_and_denominator: factorised = tuple(fac for fac in factorised if fac not in ignore) counter = collections.Counter(collections.Counter(factorised).values()) if counter: maxima = max(counter.keys()) blueprint.append(tuple(counter[index + 1] for index in range(maxima))) else: blueprint.append(tuple([])) return tuple(blueprint) @property def tonality(self) -> bool: """Return the tonality (bool) of a JustIntonationPitch - object. The tonality of a JustIntonationPitch - may be True (otonality) if the exponent of the highest occurring prime number is a positive number and False if the exponent is a negative number (utonality). **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((-2. 1)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.tonality True >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch((-2, -1)) >>> just_intonation_pitch1.tonality False >>> just_intonation_pitch2 = JustIntonationPitch([]) >>> just_intonation_pitch2.tonality True """ if self.exponent_tuple: maxima = max(self.exponent_tuple) minima = min(self.exponent_tuple) test = ( maxima <= 0 and minima < 0, minima < 0 and self.exponent_tuple.index(minima) > self.exponent_tuple.index(maxima), ) if any(test): return False return True @property def harmonic(self) -> int: """Return the nth - harmonic / subharmonic the pitch may represent. :return: May be positive for harmonic and negative for subharmonic pitches. If the return - value is 0, the interval may occur neither between the first harmonic and any other pitch of the harmonic scale nor between the first subharmonic in the and any other pitch of the subharmonic scale. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.ratio fractions.Fraction(3, 2) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.harmonic 3 >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch((-1,), 2) >>> just_intonation_pitch1.harmonic -3 """ ratio = self.ratio if ratio.denominator % 2 == 0: return ratio.numerator elif ratio.numerator % 2 == 0: return -ratio.denominator elif ratio == fractions.Fraction(1, 1): return 1 else: return 0 @property def primes_for_numerator_and_denominator(self) -> tuple: return tuple( tuple(sorted(set(factorint(n, multiple=True)))) for n in (self.numerator, self.denominator) ) @property def harmonicity_wilson(self) -> int: decomposed = self.factorised return int(sum(filter(lambda x: x != 2, decomposed))) @property def harmonicity_vogel(self) -> int: decomposed = self.factorised decomposed_filtered = tuple(filter(lambda x: x != 2, decomposed)) am_2 = len(decomposed) - len(decomposed_filtered) return int(sum(decomposed_filtered) + am_2) @property def harmonicity_euler(self) -> int: """Return the 'gradus suavitatis' of euler. A higher number means a less consonant interval / a more complicated harmony. euler(1/1) is definied as 1. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch() >>> just_intonation_pitch2 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch3 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, -1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.harmonicity_euler 4 >>> just_intonation_pitch1.harmonicity_euler 1 >>> just_intonation_pitch2.harmonicity_euler 7 >>> just_intonation_pitch3.harmonicity_euler 8 """ decomposed = self.factorised return 1 + sum(x - 1 for x in decomposed) @property def harmonicity_barlow(self) -> float: r"""Calculate the barlow-harmonicity of an interval. This implementation follows Clarence Barlows definition, given in 'The Ratio Book' (1992). A higher number means a more harmonic interval / a less complex harmony. barlow(1/1) is definied as infinite. **Example:** >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch() >>> just_intonation_pitch2 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch3 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, -1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.harmonicity_barlow 0.27272727272727276 >>> just_intonation_pitch1.harmonicity_barlow # 1/1 is infinite harmonic inf >>> just_intonation_pitch2.harmonicity_barlow 0.11904761904761904 >>> just_intonation_pitch3.harmonicity_barlow -0.10638297872340426 """ def sign(x): return (1, -1)[x < 0] numerator_denominator_decomposed = self.factorised_numerator_and_denominator indigestibility_numerator = JustIntonationPitch._indigestibility_of_factorised( numerator_denominator_decomposed[0] ) indigestibility_denominator = ( JustIntonationPitch._indigestibility_of_factorised( numerator_denominator_decomposed[1] ) ) if indigestibility_numerator == 0 and indigestibility_denominator == 0: return float("inf") return sign(indigestibility_numerator - indigestibility_denominator) / ( indigestibility_numerator + indigestibility_denominator ) @property def harmonicity_simplified_barlow(self) -> float: r"""Calculate a simplified barlow-harmonicity of an interval. This implementation follows Clarence Barlows definition, given in 'The Ratio Book' (1992), with the difference that only positive numbers are returned and that (1/1) is defined as 1 instead of infinite. >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch() >>> just_intonation_pitch2 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch3 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, -1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.harmonicity_simplified_barlow 0.27272727272727276 >>> just_intonation_pitch1.harmonicity_simplified_barlow # 1/1 is not infinite but 1 1 >>> just_intonation_pitch2.harmonicity_simplified_barlow 0.11904761904761904 >>> just_intonation_pitch3.harmonicity_simplified_barlow # positive return value 0.10638297872340426 """ barlow = abs(self.harmonicity_barlow) if barlow == float("inf"): return 1 return barlow @property def harmonicity_tenney(self) -> float: r"""Calculate Tenneys harmonic distance of an interval A higher number means a more consonant interval / a less complicated harmony. tenney(1/1) is definied as 0. >>> just_intonation_pitch0 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch1 = JustIntonationPitch() >>> just_intonation_pitch2 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, 1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch3 = JustIntonationPitch((0, 0, -1,)) >>> just_intonation_pitch0.harmonicity_tenney 2.584962500721156 >>> just_intonation_pitch1.harmonicity_tenney 0.0 >>> just_intonation_pitch2.harmonicity_tenney 4.321928094887363 >>> just_intonation_pitch3.harmonicity_tenney -0.10638297872340426 """ ratio = self.ratio return math.log(ratio.numerator * ratio.denominator, 2) # ###################################################################### # # public methods # # ###################################################################### #
[docs] def get_closest_pythagorean_pitch_name(self, reference: str = "a") -> str: """""" # TODO(for future usage: type reference as typing.Literal[] instead of str) # TODO(split method, make it more readable) # TODO(Add documentation) diatonic_pitch_name, accidentals = reference[0], reference[1:] n_accidentals_in_reference = JustIntonationPitch._count_accidentals(accidentals) position_of_diatonic_pitch_in_cycle_of_fifths = ( music_parameters.constants.DIATONIC_PITCH_NAME_CYCLE_OF_FIFTH_TUPLE.index( diatonic_pitch_name ) ) closest_pythagorean_interval = self.closest_pythagorean_interval try: n_fifths = closest_pythagorean_interval.exponent_tuple[1] # for 1/1 except IndexError: n_fifths = 0 # 1. Find new diatonic pitch name n_steps_in_diatonic_pitch_name = n_fifths % 7 nth_diatonic_pitch = ( position_of_diatonic_pitch_in_cycle_of_fifths + n_steps_in_diatonic_pitch_name ) % 7 new_diatonic_pitch = ( music_parameters.constants.DIATONIC_PITCH_NAME_CYCLE_OF_FIFTH_TUPLE[ nth_diatonic_pitch ] ) # 2. Find new accidentals n_accidentals_in_closest_pythagorean_pitch = ( (position_of_diatonic_pitch_in_cycle_of_fifths + n_fifths) // 7 ) + n_accidentals_in_reference new_accidentals = JustIntonationPitch._get_accidentals( n_accidentals_in_closest_pythagorean_pitch ) return "".join((new_diatonic_pitch, new_accidentals))
[docs] def get_pitch_interval( self, pitch_to_compare: ) -> if isinstance(pitch_to_compare, JustIntonationPitch): return pitch_to_compare - self else: return super().get_pitch_interval(pitch_to_compare)
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def register(self, octave: int) -> JustIntonationPitch: # type: ignore """Move :class:`JustIntonationPitch` to the given octave. :param octave: 0 for the octave from 1/1 to 2/1, negative values for octaves below 1/1 and positive values for octaves above 2/1. :type octave: int **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> p = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2') >>> p.register(1) >>> p JustIntonationPitch(6/2) >>> p.register(-1) >>> p JustIntonationPitch(3/4) >>> p.register(0) >>> p JustIntonationPitch(3/2) """ normalized_just_intonation_pitch = self.normalize(mutate=False) # type: ignore factor = 2 ** abs(octave) if octave < 1: added = type(self)(fractions.Fraction(1, factor)) else: added = type(self)(fractions.Fraction(factor, 1)) self.exponent_tuple = (normalized_just_intonation_pitch + added).exponent_tuple # type: ignore
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def move_to_closest_register( # type: ignore self, reference: JustIntonationPitch ) -> JustIntonationPitch: reference_register = reference.octave best = None for adaption in range(-1, 2): candidate: JustIntonationPitch = self.register(reference_register + adaption, mutate=False) # type: ignore difference = abs((candidate - reference).interval) set_best = True if best and difference > best[1]: set_best = False if set_best: best = (candidate, difference) if best: self.exponent_tuple = best[0].exponent_tuple else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Couldn't find closest register of '{self}' to '{reference}'." )
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def normalize(self, prime: int = 2) -> JustIntonationPitch: # type: ignore """Normalize :class:`JustIntonationPitch`. :param prime: The normalization period (2 for octave, 3 for twelfth, ...). Default to 2. :type prime: int **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> p = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('12/2') >>> p.normalize() >>> p JustIntonationPitch(3/2) """ ratio = self.ratio adjusted = type(self)._adjust_ratio(ratio, prime) self.exponent_tuple = self._ratio_or_fractions_argument_to_exponent_tuple( adjusted )
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def inverse( # type: ignore self, axis: typing.Optional[JustIntonationPitch] = None ) -> JustIntonationPitch: """Inverse current pitch on given axis. :param axis: The :class:`JustIntonationPitch` from which the pitch shall be inversed. :type axis: JustIntonationPitch, optional **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> p = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2') >>> p.inverse() >>> p JustIntonationPitch(2/3) """ if axis is None: exponent_tuple = tuple(map(lambda x: -x, self.exponent_tuple)) else: distance = self - axis exponent_tuple = (axis - distance).exponent_tuple self.exponent_tuple = exponent_tuple
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def add( self, pitch_interval: ) -> JustIntonationPitch: """Add :class:`JustIntonationPitch` to current pitch. :param other: The :class:`JustIntonationPitch` to add to the current pitch. **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> p = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2') >>> p.add(pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2')) >>> p JustIntonationPitch(9/4) """ if isinstance(pitch_interval, JustIntonationPitch): self._math(pitch_interval, operator.add) else: self.exponent_tuple = self._ratio_to_exponent_tuple( self.ratio * self.cents_to_ratio(pitch_interval.interval) ) return self
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def subtract( self, pitch_interval: ) -> JustIntonationPitch: """Subtract :class:`JustIntonationPitch` from current pitch. :param other: The :class:`JustIntonationPitch` to subtract from the current pitch. **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> p = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('9/4') >>> p.subtract(pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2')) >>> p JustIntonationPitch(3/2) """ if isinstance(pitch_interval, JustIntonationPitch): self._math(pitch_interval, operator.sub) else: self.exponent_tuple = self._ratio_to_exponent_tuple( self.ratio / self.cents_to_ratio(pitch_interval.interval) ) return self
[docs] @core_utilities.add_copy_option def intersection( self, other: JustIntonationPitch, strict: bool = False ) -> JustIntonationPitch: """Make intersection with other :class:`JustIntonationPitch`. :param other: The :class:`JustIntonationPitch` to build the intersection with. :param strict: If set to ``True`` only exponent_tuple are included into the intersection if their value is equal. If set to ``False`` the method will also include exponent_tuple if both pitches own them on the same axis but with different values (the method will take the smaller exponent). :type strict: bool **Example:** >>> from mutwo.music_parameters import pitches >>> p0 = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('5/3') >>> p0.intersection(pitches.JustIntonationPitch('7/6')) >>> p0 JustIntonationPitch(1/3) >>> p1 = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('9/7') >>> p1.intersection(pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2')) >>> p1 JustIntonationPitch(3/1) >>> p2 = pitches.JustIntonationPitch('9/7') >>> p2.intersection(pitches.JustIntonationPitch('3/2'), strict=True) >>> p2 JustIntonationPitch(1/1) """ def is_negative(number: int): return number < 0 def intersect_exponent_tuple(exponent_tuple: tuple[int, int]) -> int: intersected_exponent = 0 if strict: test_for_valid_strict_mode = exponent_tuple[0] == exponent_tuple[1] else: test_for_valid_strict_mode = True if 0 not in exponent_tuple and test_for_valid_strict_mode: are_negative = (is_negative(exponent) for exponent in exponent_tuple) all_are_negative = all(are_negative) all_are_positive = all(not boolean for boolean in are_negative) if all_are_negative: intersected_exponent = max(exponent_tuple) elif all_are_positive: intersected_exponent = min(exponent_tuple) return intersected_exponent intersected_exponent_tuple = tuple( map( intersect_exponent_tuple, zip(self.exponent_tuple, other.exponent_tuple) ) ) self.exponent_tuple = intersected_exponent_tuple