Source code for mutwo.core_utilities.exceptions

"""Module for mutwo specific exceptions."""

from mutwo import core_constants

__all__ = (

[docs]class AlreadyDefinedValueNameError(Exception): def __init__(self, cls): super().__init__( f"Confusing setup in class '{cls}' which inherits from " "'SingleValueParameter'. Found already a defined value for" " 'value_name'. SingleValueParameter instances can only " "have one value!" )
[docs]class InvalidStartValueError(Exception): def __init__( self, start, duration, ): super().__init__( f"Invalid value for start = '{start}' in 'squash_in' call " f"for event with duration = '{duration}'!" " Start has to be equal or smaller than the events duration." )
[docs]class InvalidAverageValueStartAndEndWarning(RuntimeWarning): def __init__(self): super().__init__( "Average value for range where start == end is equal to" " envelope.value_at(start)!" )
[docs]class InvalidPointError(Exception): def __init__(self, point, point_count): super().__init__( f"Found invalid point: '{point}' with {point_count} " "items! Points should have two or three items." )
[docs]class ImpossibleToSquashInError(TypeError): def __init__(self, event_to_be_squashed_into, event_to_squash_in): super().__init__( f"Can't squash '{event_to_squash_in}' in '{event_to_be_squashed_into}'. " "Does the SimultaneousEvent contain SimpleEvents or events that inherit" " from SimpleEvent? For being able to squash in, the" " SimultaneousEvent needs to only contain SequentialEvents or" " SimultaneousEvents." )
[docs]class InvalidStartAndEndValueError(Exception): def __init__(self, start, end): super().__init__( f"Invalid values for start and end property (start = '{start}' " f"and end = '{end}')!" " Value for 'end' has to be bigger than value for 'start'." )
[docs]class InvalidCutOutStartAndEndValuesError(Exception): def __init__(self, start, end, simple_event, duration): super().__init__( f"Can't cut out SimpleEvent '{simple_event}' with " f"duration '{duration}' from" f" (start = {start} to end = {end})." )
[docs]class SplitUnavailableChildError(Exception): def __init__(self, absolute_time: core_constants.DurationType): super().__init__( f"Can't split child at absolute time '{absolute_time}'. There is no child" " event available at the requested time." )
[docs]class NoSolutionFoundError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str): super().__init__(message)
class EmptyEnvelopeError(Exception): def __init__(self, envelope, method): super().__init__(f"Can't call '{method}' on empty envelope '{envelope}'!")